Auto Expire Anonymous phone number

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Numbr will provide you with a free, anonymous phone number that expires after the amount of time that you choose. The idea is that when you're posting to online communities, you don't want your real phone number to be out there forever for crazies to call you. So you can get a temporary number at Numbr, which will forward incoming calls to your real phone number.

You can have your number, in your choice of 23 U.S. cities, expire an hour, day, week or month from when you set it up. Options let you block certain calls, activate voicemail, and receive your incoming call history via e-mail.

The Key benifits are

  • Anonymity

  • Disposable numbers

  • 24x7 Reachability

  • Call-to-get™ numbr

  • Manage your numbr

  • Call screening

  • Do not disturb from 9PM to 8AM

  • Block off Telemarketers!

  • Parental Controls

  • YourCallRecords™

  • iNumbr™ widget


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